Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith ending explained (spoilers)

  • Sidious gives Order 66 to all of the clone troop commanders which states to kill all Jedi. Only Yoda and Obi-Wan survive. Darth Vader leads a team of Clone Troopers to the Jedi Temple and all Jedi die. Not long after, Sidious appoints himself Emperor and declares the Republic a Galactic Empire. Anakin is ordered by Sidious to go to the lava planet Mustafar to kill the Separatist leaders. Yoda goes to confront the newly appointed Emperor and they duel throughout the Senate Chamber. Yoda flees from the battle after realizing that he cannot defeat Sidious. Obi-Wan defeats Anakin on Mustafar, leaving him critically injured on the banks of a lava river. Padme dies in childbirth, after Luke and Leia are born. Leia is given to Senator Bail Organa, to live in disguise as his daughter. Luke is given to his remaining Skywalker family on tattooine to live in secret. Obi Wan lives on tattooine in exile in order to watch over Luke, and during this time studies the force and all its mysteries. The last shot then shows Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader watch over the beginning construction of the Death Star.

  • Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith ending explained (spoilers)

  • It turns out that Rogue is actually Tom Lone, Crawfords supposedly murdered partner. When Rogue shot Lones wife and daughter, Lone overpowered Rogue and shot him dead. He then burned down the house, took Rogues passports and the like, and had reconstructive surgery to look like Rogue. While Rogue/Lone is battling Shiro, the leader of the Yakuza, Shiro reveals that he wanted Lone dead after wounding Rogue, and an FBI agent gave him Lones location; specifically, John Crawford. At the end, Lone shoots Crawford, maybe lethally, and kills Shiro and the Triad boss. In the next scene he is then shown getting into a car and driving somewhere, most likely to start a new life.

  • Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith ending explained (spoilers)

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