Each of the universes that are listed along with Yulaw's charges is named after a star or constellation (in keeping with the idea that a new universe is formed when a star collapses): Monoceros, Tucana, Canopus, Serpens, and Shaula. The one exception is Lawless's universe. His, along with the other universes that are actually shown in the film, are all named after mythological gods (a possible allusion to Yulaw's hope to become a god himself, by absorbing the energy of his other selves). Lawless is from Anubis universe, after the Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife. Gabe is from Charis universe, after the Greek goddesses of charm and beauty. The penal colony is in Hades universe, after the Greek god of the Underworld. The colony itself is called Stygian Penal Colony: the word Stygian refers to the River Styx, which was located in the Greek Underworld. The location of the Multiverse Agency is called, simply, "Multiverse."