Star Trek: The Motion Picture ending explained (spoilers)

  • V'ger is really Voyager VI. The Creator was NASA. Decker and the V'ger probe (Ilia) merge and evolve into a new life form.

  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture ending explained (spoilers)

  • Spock (Zachary Quinto) rams older Spocks (Leonard Nimoy) ship containing the red matter against Neros ship and Spock is beamed up by Scotty in the nick of time. Kirk (Chris Pine) rescues Captain Pike and theyre also beamed away from Neros ship. The collision of Spocks and Neros ships sets off the red matter and Neros ship is taken into a black hole. Kirk gives Nero and his crew the chance to be rescued but Nero refuses; the Enterprise fires at Neros ship. The Enterprise is almost pulled in to the black hole but Scotty (Simon Pegg) ejects the warp core from the ship and the explosions give the Enterprise an extra boost and the ship escapes. Kirk is given a medal and command of the Enterprise for his efforts. Older Spock (a.k.a. Ambassador Spock) suggests his younger self should stay in Starfleet and not always do what is logical, but what he feels is right. The Enterprise, with Kirk as captain, Spock as First Officer and the rest of the familiar characters aboard, goes on its first voyage. Ambassador Spock narrates the famous words Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the star ship Enterprise...

  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture ending explained (spoilers)

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